What people are saying
Very insightful. An important discussion we need to have with our students who are going into the labor market now. We appreciate your time and the information shared in this webinar (April 2020) #recommended
Dr. Rene Barguez Perez
Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico
Thank you so much for hosting an AMAZING Session of the Career Crash Course with IIT held on May 21st 2018. Your book and presentation were on-point as it relates to preparing students in the Career Development arena. Your book is so easy to follow and should be a global centerpiece for students to guide them through the process!!! Thank you for sharing!!! Your sharing and imparting knowledge to others makes the world a better place!!!
Wishing you all the best!!
Celestine McGee, Sr.,
Employer Relations and Outreach Specialist—Illinois Tech
Lydia Lazar led the development of our global law program during her tenure as assistant dean from 2001-2010, and her enterprising approach combined with her positive energy led to substantial growth in revenue and headcount. Lydia at the same time taught the Introduction to the American Legal System course here and abroad, served as the dean of students for LL.Ms, and managed a busy administrative office with a dedicated - but small - staff. Over the course of her tenure as assistant dean, Lydia initiated, developed and strengthened many important institutional relationships that have endured over time, helping propel IIT Chicago-Kent to become a leader in the burgeoning field of legal education for non-US lawyers.
Harold J. Krent, Dean and Professor
Edward C Harris, Assistant Dean
IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law
Lydia is a consummate professional with exceptional passion for higher education: during my tenure at the University of Chicago, I had the privilege of working closely with Lydia, and her collegiality, vision, talent for relationship building and strategic planning were instrumental in increasing Chicago Harris' alumni engagement and the university’s visibility worldwide. Lydia was a tremendous asset to Chicago Harris, to its students and alumni, and to the University of Chicago as a whole.
Stephanie Veit, Carnegie Mellon University
I worked with Lydia at Chicago-Kent and have maintained both a professional and a personal relationship with her since then. While at Chicago-Kent, I worked with Lydia on several projects to collaborate with foreign schools to encourage international law students to come to Chicago-Kent. The program was a great success, in no small part due to Lydia's drive, determination, and ability to get multiple groups to work together on a bigger project. Beyond this specific example, I have always been impressed by Lydia's intellect and character. She is a masterful networker and always manages to know someone who can help in any situation.
Dominika Smereczynski, Attorney at Law