Publications, Lectures, and Courses
Over the course of my career, I have published on a wide variety of issues, taught law and policy courses and delivered public lectures across the world.
New Publications
Transformation, Renewal and Regeneration
By Lydia Lazar | December 2023
Eco-Ag is Regenerative Ag—and Vice Versa!
By Lydia Lazar | March, 2023
Ai Weiwei and Free Expression in the 21st Century
By Lydia Lazar | January, 2022
Soil Health is National Security
By Lydia Lazar | October, 2021
Fairly Recent Publications
Dean Lazar's Golden Guide: Pragmatic Career Advice for Everyone 2020 edition
Century of the City?
By Lydia Lazar | December 9, 2013
Will Technology Save or Sink Higher Ed?
By Lydia Lazar | November 26, 2013
Will Private Equity Save Higher Ed?
By Lydia Lazar | November 11, 2013
Meeting the Global Demand for Higher Ed
By Lydia Lazar | November 5, 2013
Earlier Publications
Babel in Bangkok,
Illinois State Bar Association Newsletter (Spring 2007)
Stop the Genocide in Darfur: Bribe the Chinese!
Illinois State Bar Association Newsletter (Winter 2006)
NAFTA: Structural Damage to the Ship of State?
2001 Employment Law Update, edited by Henry H. Perritt, Jr.
NAFTA Dispute Resolution: Secret Corporate Weapon?
Journal of Global Financial Markets (Winter 2000).
Even Earlier Publications (as Lydia Herman)
Cogeneration in the Nonprofit Sector, NOPEC NETWORK (Spring 1986)
New York State's Bottle Bill:The Experience After Two Years, Nuova Ecologia v.8, No.23 (February 1986, Rome, Italy)
Hunger in New York, Scienza ed Experienza v.2, No.6 (September 1983, Milan, Italy)
Mexico City:1983. Final Report of Investigative Team, with David Wilk, Urban Resource Systems (1983)
The New York Metropolitan Area Produce Market: A New Opportunity to Preserve Long Island Farmland, with Richard Carlson, T. Goldfarb and B. Commoner. Final Report to the J.M. Kaplan Fund. CBNS Publication (1982)
2018–2020 Golden Guide Presentations
Job Hunting During the Pandemic
Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico April 2020
Networking Like a Pro
UIC Global April 2019
Career THINKING 101
American Marketing Assn Collegiate Conference April 2019
Storytelling and Networking
Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) Career Day May 2018
Networking Like a Pro
Women of Dartmouth INSPIRE Workshop April 2018
Introduction to Career Thinking For Undergraduates
DePaul University February 2018
Public Lectures
Trends in Digital Education
Police Administration in the Digital Age. Bangkok, Thailand (March 2019)
Love Our Constitution
The Promise and Challenge of an Independent Judiciary (2017)
Making a Difference as an Individual
offered from 2012-2015 at the following universities in China:
Wuhan University of Technology (2015)
Beijing University of Posts and Telegraphs; Tongji University, Hunan Women's University, Communications University (2014)
Renmin University; China University of Political Science and Law, (2013)
Selected topics in Law
offered 2007-2009 in law schools
2009: Delhi, Mumbai, and Pune, India
2008: Argentina, Colombia, and Brazil
2007: Argentina and Brazil
U.S.-Thailand Free Trade Agreement—Investment Chapter Issues. Panel Participant, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand
Crisis in Darfur, Sudan: Panel Participant, Dartmouth Lawyers’ Association, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire
LLM and Exchange Programs: Lessons Learned, Challenges Ahead. Address to the AALS Law School Deans’ Conference, Beijing, China
Now and Then: Constraints on Civil Liberties in the United States. Augsburg, Cologne, and Dusseldorf Law Faculties (Germany) and the University of Metz (France)
Judicial Review: New Scholarship. Talk for Magistrates in Trento, Italy
Investor-Sovereign Dispute Resolution in the Global Trading System. Talk for PhD Students at University of Trento, Italy
Investor-Sovereign Dispute Resolution Language: Corporate Windfall or Free Trade Necessity? Faculty Talk at City University of Hong Kong
Law and Policy Courses
Law and Veterans’ Issues:
University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy, Winter 2013.
Introduction to the American Legal System and American Legal Terminology
The 21st Century Institute, 2014
Chicago-Kent College of Law, 2001-2010
Full Semester (Chicago)
2 Week Intensives in China (Shenzhen, Beijing) and in Bangkok, Thailand
University of Trento, Italy, (3 weeks) 2004